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Victoria Hudson, MA
Part-time Clinician

Message from Victoria

Women/men want to feel sure of themselves. They want to feel confident in what they are doing without second guessing themselves. The problem is, failed relationships, lack of promotions, or a mediocre life has led them to believe that they have no control. The reality is, there are some things that we cannot control but there sure are a lot of things that we can.

I’m Victoria Hudson, a part- time therapist at Encourage Counseling where I specialize in helping individuals gain confidence in themselves, helping them live the life they want.

I know how easy it is to feel unpretty when an ex has cheated on you OR how easy it is to self sabotage when past events did not end in your favor. The uncertainty surrounding a new transition (newly married/divorced; entering/graduating college; going back to school or changing careers; parenting as a single parent). The lack of confidence can weigh heavy on an individual.

I believe that refocusing that energy on the goals that you have for yourself can help you find that lost confidence in yourself and recognizing your strengths can show you that YOU CAN WIN. That is why for the last 10 years I have been helping individuals recognize their personal skills and strengths. It is through goal setting and achieving goals that I have seen success in increased self esteem and confidence.

It takes a lot of courage and faith to follow through with seeking help, so I made it easy for you:

  1. Fill out the contact form
  2. Get scheduled for a session with me
  3. We will start from the back, tell me about all the past stuff
  4. Then we will move forward, by establishing goals and doing the work it takes to reach those goals

So if you want to gain control of your life and move in the direction of confidence schedule an appointment today. I can help.

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We're here to help!
We’re a no-judgment zone, so feel free to come to us with any questions or concerns.