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Transforming Conflict into Connection

Tele-health therapy for couples in the Chicago area

Does this sound familiar?

You want to feel connected to your partner but instead, you feel:

  • misunderstood and uncared for
  • unsatisfied and unsure of how much longer the lack of intimacy can persist (emotional and physical)
  • distrust and uneasiness
  • distant- like you guys aren't on the same page
Three pictures of couples sitting together.
Life does not have to stay this way.

Hi, we are a team of Couples Therapists, and we can help. We provide therapy and counseling for relationship issues using a combination of skill building (i.e. conflict resolution/communication skills) and emotional focused work (i.e unpacking and processing deeper emotional wounds). Our clients walk away from therapy feeling heard and validated, secure in their relationship, and reconnected and recommitted to their partner.

Interactions with our therapists
What some recent clients say about their experience with the staff at Encourage Counseling

How It Works
1. Reach out- You have to make the first move. Fill out the Get In Touch button, down below.

2. Get the support you need- Where every session is a step towards a stronger relationship.

3. Feel heard in your relationship again- Experience a stronger bond and deeper connection, empowering you to navigate life's challenges together